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"Nesting" record layout

Wondering if it is possible to "nest" a record definition. We have a record layout where we have a field array that gets mapped to another layout to extract the details. We would like to define the entire structure as one layout so that the detail data can be exposed to SQL.


record porder
ponum, d9
pocust, d6
podate, d8
poline, 10a40

record polin
poprod ,d8
podesc ,a20
poqty, d6
poprice, d4.2

Note: this is not an exact representation but is styled in a similar form to explain the problem.
In the programs we set polin=poline to get at the details but now that we are trying to expose the "polin" details without having to parse poline array in the extternal application. We woluld like to find away to have the porder record express the same breakdown we get from using the polin layout without creating 10 sets of variables.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

2 Answers
0   | Posted by Andrew Meyer to Synergy DBL on 9/29/2021 2:41 PM
Steve Ives
How about:
record porder
    ponum, d9
    pocust, d6
    podate, d8
    group poline, [10]a
        poprod ,d8
        podesc ,a20
        poqty, d6
        poprice, d4.2

But be aware, there are no groups or arrays in SQL Server, so CodeGen and the SQL Replication templates will "flatten" the group out into 40 individual fields in the database.

9/30/2021 3:11 AM   1  
Andrew Meyer
Thanks, that will work for their needs.

9/30/2021 1:47 PM   0  
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