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Obtaining the xfServerPlus log file name from within a traditional Synergy application.

We are wanting to obtain the xfServerPlus log file name from within a traditional Synergy application in order monitor it's date/time changed value so we know how long our xfServerPlus clients have been idle.  We specify XFPL_LOGFILE in the xfpl.ini file to xfpl.log and when log file(s) are built it appends a date/time stamp onto the end of the log file.  We use a single log file per xfServerPlus client instance.  dbs must know what this file name is since xcall xfpl_log('Log This') can write to the log file.  We would like to know the file path/name from within our application.

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0   | Posted by Gayle Lewis to xfServerPlus on 5/26/2021 7:40 PM
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