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Grace period when running out of licenses

As far as I know, there is no way to know what the high water mark is for synergy license usage, short of running lmu as a scheduled taks, outputting to a log file and parsing it.
This leaves production systems blind to running low on licenses, or running out of them.  Its OK for interactive users, but say a batch proess needs a license and can't get it and you don;t know it failed to start up.

Anyway, 1 have 2 ideas to helkp with this.

1.  Provide an optional warning when the number of free licenses falls below a certain level - say last 5 licenses on a 100 user license..  Email this to the system administator

2.  If a system runs out of licenses, give a grace period like you do with new licenses, where yo udo not get locked out for 14 days, and during that time the synergex account manager can chase up with the client.

That way nothing dies, you have time to sort things out and everyone knows what is happening


3 Comments | Posted by Gordon Ireland to Licensing on 8/30/2024 6:08 PM
Hank Vander Waal
I like the idea of a grace period especially for the scheduled tasks issues    Nothing worse than finding out the critical task failed  (without notice)  due to a license issue .

Also a utility that would allow options of setting the warning level  of low license count and an option of where to send the warning  email.       We are not logged into our customers'' systems   to monitor each one's license usage

9/6/2024 12:25 PM   1  
Jack Ford
I would think that any Synergex customer supporting a clientele of end users would greatly welcome this assist.  Our team's most recent focus on how to reduce non-critical, middle-of-the-night wakeup support calls would love to remove even a low-frequency but genuinely experienced event that halts a customer's business, day or night.  If it were to come about, multiple email contacts would be strongly desired.

9/6/2024 3:51 PM   1  
Greg Creme
Definitely agree with you.  We have struggled with the same problems with no adequate solution for as long as we have been running synergy programs.  This caused us a lot of pain a few years ago, and while Synergex support was great with increasing our license count temporarily to get us up and running again, the lack of metrics on how many licenses you actually need seems to be a serious oversight.  We run into this both for xfodbc as well as for xfserver plus, both of which should have the same kind of mechanism you describe.  

9/9/2024 2:51 AM   1  
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