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Created Date: 2/24/2020
Last Updated: 2/24/2020
Description: To process messages in synergy code and put the MSG_BOX in center of active synergy Window regardless of the size of the synergy window and MSG_BOX
Platforms: Windows; Unix; OpenVMS
Products: Synergy DBL
Minimum Version: 9.1
Author: Geoff Maccue

Additional Information: Std code or UI-Toolkit compatible. See MESSAGE_BOX.TXT for complete information. Subroutine: MESSAGE_BOX

To process messages in synergy code and put the MSG_BOX in center of active synergy Window regardless of the size of the synergy window and MSG_BOX. Std code or UI-Toolkit compatible.

Supports: Up to 5 lines of message text Up to 5 Buttons (Programmable and Configurable) Buttons can have Tool Tips and can set default Button Active Character for firing a Button by pressing First character of Button Text Default Button can be configured for when user presses Enter Works in DBL and UI-Toolkit programs Can accommodate use of Function Keys Can configure which Function Keys are permitted User can reposition MSG_BOX to view data behind by dragging the MSG_BOX window If user repositions MSG_BOX then next similar MSG instance will be at new position. Dissimilar messages will revert to center of window Works equally well in BATCH mode (BATCH environment variable set to B) In Batch does not pause for input but returns a predefined value. Can capture all function keys F1 - F12 Normal Function Keys SF1 - SF12 Shift Function Keys CF1 - CF12 Ctrl Function Keys Programmer can nominate which Function keys are permitted Has timeout variable (in seconds) Or can wait forever for user input.

Min Version: 9 Synergy

Limitation: u_start will clear active channels (currently set to clear 250 - 253) If old style code using OPEN (TTCHN,O,'TT:') u_start can potentially close terminal channel.

Can be used in old style DBL code


and in UT-Toolkit code


Provided in code exchange

  1. This readme
  2. Subroutine MESSAGE_BOX.DBL
  3. Demo Program DEMO_MESSAGE_BOX.DBL

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