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Created Date: 12/13/2016
Last Updated: 12/28/2016
Description: A Windows service written in Synergy that uses the synxfpng utility to monitor Synergy service(s). An email will be sent when the service to be monitored is detected as not running. See below for the necessary setup.
Platforms: Windows
Products: Synergy .NET
Minimum Version: 10.3.1
Author: Jerry Fawcett

Additional Information: Requirements: Visual Studio 2015 and Synergy 10.3.1 (due to Visual Studio 2015) or higher. Note support for Service project type added in 9.5.3

NOTES: Create a file named synsrvmon.ddf with servers and their ports to monitor. The file must be in the location set to by the logical SSM. Note, as this logical will be used by a Windows service it must be set at the system level The file must have entries in the format - server|port. For example,


The file is read on service start, therefore, if changes to this file are made the service must be stopped and restarted.

Also, if desired the email subjects and messages may be modified. See the comments that start with Customize.

After building install the service with the below -

Open a Visual Studio command prompt as Administrator (installing the service will not be successful unless the command prompt is opened as Administrator) Navigate to the folder with the service executable and run InstallUtil.exe passing the service executable -

installutil.exe SynServMon.exe

After the service is successfully installed then be sure to start it with the Services applet in the Control Panel - Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services

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